10-12 marzo 2025 | IFEMA - MADRID

Saving time and energy with the assembly kitchen

Mon 18 Feb | 17:15 - 17:45

“Keynotes and roundtables on business and team management, strategy, trends, cuisine, revenue, marketing, digital transformation, Horeca technology, sustainability, gastronomic product, business models, … to respond to Perfect Restaurant model. The objective of Perfect Restaurant Project is to give a choral vision from all points of view, of what a perfect restaurant should be in all its areas. An exercise in dealing with the trends to follow to get a successful establishment today and in a few years (something extremely risky as the world evolves), taking into account that the customers who will sit at our tables will be the new generations Centennial ( born as of 1990) and Alfa (born as of 2011). In Perfect Restaurant Project we will ask ourselves many questions: How is excellence managed and the gastronomic management of the product adapted to each different type of audience and budget? How are the new technological tools managed in a new kitchen that also wants to maintain more traditional techniques and cooking? How should profitability be considered in any type of concept? Are marketing strategies different for each business model? How should management be to have a team with talent and motivation, committed to the values ​​of the company and to be able to delegate with absolute confidence? How should the maximum use of all foods be managed in restaurants? “