Volver a Blog Inauguration of the 6th European Congress on Law and Gastronomy. febrero 21, 2023 The VI European Congress on Law and Gastronomy, which is being held within the framework of HIP – Horeca Professional Expo – aims to provide gastronomy, along with the entire industry that surrounds it, with a detailed analysis from a legal point of view for its proper organisation, systematisation and regulatory articulation. It is organised by the European Association of Law and Gastronomy, Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Abogados, the European Community of Gastronomic Culture, in collaboration with Hostelería de España. The 6th edition of the Law and Gastronomy Congress will cover three major current issues: The responsibility of the State towards the Hotel and Catering Industry after the COVID, the franchising activity in Spain: Problems of contracts in Spain and litigation, and the management of the crisis of the lack of personnel: The Labour Reform and the new contract models, talent retention, new professional categories. The teams of lawyers who have led the legal process will participate and will offer a space for conversation to answer all the questions of the attendees.