The VI European Congress on Law and Gastronomy, which is being held within the framework of HIP – Horeca Professional Expo – aims to provide gastronomy, along with the entire industry that surrounds it, with a detailed analysis from a legal point of view for its proper organisation, systematisation and regulatory articulation. It is organised by the European Association of Law and Gastronomy, Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Abogados, the European Community of Gastronomic Culture, in collaboration with Hostelería de España. The 6th edition of the Law and Gastronomy Congress will cover three major current issues: The responsibility of the State towards the Hotel and Catering Industry after the COVID, the franchising activity in Spain: Problems of contracts in Spain and litigation, and the management of the crisis of the lack of personnel: The Labour Reform and the new contract models, talent retention, new professional categories. The teams of lawyers who have led the legal process will participate and will offer a space for conversation to answer all the questions of the attendees.