Back to agenda Evolution in Selection: New Trends in Interviews and Expectations in the Restaurant Sector Mon 10 Mar | 16:35 - 17:15 Business Pass In a constantly evolving labor market, selection dynamics have changed significantly in the restaurant sector. Both candidates and companies face new challenges and opportunities that redefine interviews, the skills demanded, and mutual expectations. This roundtable aims to analyze these changes and reflect on best practices to attract and select talent in such a competitive sector. Speakers Paula Ocaña Directora de RRHH Grupo Casanis Mercedes Hortelano Sr. Consultant in Professional and Strategic Development and AI applied to HR MKLógica Marta Sanz Talent Acquisition Specialist CLUB MED Juana VIllanueva Directora de RRHH Gagawa España Moderators Marianela Olivares General Director Linkers