Back to agenda The Room of the Future will be Organic and Natural Mon 10 Mar | 17:35 - 17:55 Business Pass Business Pass In this session, we will explore how social trends and the evolution of society are creating a demand for organic and natural experiences. Both customers and workers are seeking genuine and honest connections in gastronomic spaces and in life in general. We will learn how to better understand the customer and identify their current needs. The talk will be given by experts from LEINN, the University of Innovation par excellence, which has revolutionized education at the European level and anticipates the needs of customers, students, and workers. With its visionary approach and ability to go beyond and pave the way, they will help us understand the why and how of improving the experiences we offer. Speakers Irati Lekue Directora de Innovación y Emprendimiento Corporativo TeamLabs Humberto Matas Chief Innovation Officer TeamLabs Moderators Ángela Royo CEO BAYA