Back to agenda Why Developing Your Own Channel Will Allow You to Scale Your Business? Tue 11 Mar | 17:00 - 17:30 Business Pass Business Pass Delivery has become a key pillar for the restaurant industry, but managing it efficiently remains a challenge. How to find the balance between the own channel and marketplace platforms? How to optimize costs, logistics, and delivery experience without compromising profitability? In this presentation, together with major brands as UBER and experts from the hospitality sector who have transformed their business thanks to delivery, we will explore market trends, operational challenges, and the keys to offering excellent service without losing focus on what really matters: quality and customer experience. Speakers Julio Muñoz Ecommerce & Delivery Manager Malvon Borja Calderon Omnichannel & ecommerce director Alsea Moderators Ana Zouein Sales Lead Spain - Uber Direct Uber