All Speakers Speaker Javier Bonet Position: Company: Sala de Despiece Javier Bonet, chef and entrepreneur borned in Mallorca, has worked in restaurants worldwide, including the three-Michelin-starred Gualtiero Marchesi in Milan. With experience in both front and back of house in Germany, the UK, and Japan, he has a global gastronomic vision. In 2012, he opened Patrón Lunares in Palma, highlighting island cuisine. A year later, he revolutionized Madrid with Sala de Despiece, now at Alonso Cano, 28. He has expanded his concept with SDD2, SDD0, and projects like Galería Comercial and the Subcero cocktail bar. Sessions Tue 11 Mar 17:35 - 18:05 Business Pass 360 Experience Beyond the Plate Wed 12 Mar 13:35 - 14:00 Premium VIP Pass Cooking Successes and More