All Speakers Speaker Susana González Position: Primary care nurse and patient with dysphagia Company: CAPSBE Born in Bilbao in September 1972. Graduate in Nursing Form The UPV. Trained in Research into druga of abuse at The Health Departament of The Basque Govertnement.Awared a schorlarship by IMIM to conductual Research in clínicas trials.Master in Clinicla Trials at The UB and Master in Bioinformatics and Biostatitics at The UOC. Until The Endesa of my profesional experience Ihave worked in clinical trials in primary care. In 2018 I has a hemorragia stroke and in 2022 I has an ischemic stroke that producen sequelae; dysarthria, dysphagia, hemiparesis, hemyhypoesthesia and cognitivo sequelae. Sessions Tue 11 Mar 13:30 - 14:00 Business Pass CAMPOFRÍO – Transformando la Nutrición: Soluciones Innovadoras para la Disfagia