All Speakers Speaker Yassir Raïs Position: CEO Company: Syra Coffee Yassir Raïs is an architect, founder, CEO, and the first barista of Syra Coffee. In 2015, he opened his first café in Barcelona with the mission of providing good coffee as part of the daily routine in the Gracia neighborhood. He is one of the pioneers of the democratization of coffee in the city of Barcelona. Since then, he has leveraged his cultural background to transform what started as a small neighborhood café into one of the leading specialty coffee brands in Europe. Sessions Mon 10 Mar 13:40 - 14:00 Business Pass Democratizing Specialty Coffee Tue 11 Mar 15:30 - 16:05 Premium VIP Pass Phase 1: EMPATHISE : ‘What is this?’ & ‘Brand Drama Roulette’.’